Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hot day in the city

We were unsure what to do on the second day in San Juan del Sur. The town is pretty small and the main attraction is beach but since we had already gone to the beach the day before, we decided to hike up to the statue of Jesus that is on the mountain that overlooks the town. At the edge of town, we needed to cross a rickety bridge to get to the area where the mountain was located (the bridge looks far more stable than it is). Unfortunately this brought us to the realization that the river below us was actually sewage that ran straight into the ocean (note to self- do not swim in that water!!).
As we neared the area we thought we needed to climb to get to the statue, two policemen on a motorcycle with tourism badges drove up and began to ask us how to get to the statue. We were so confused! Why the hell were the tourism police asking us for directions!?! Finally, they asked one of the locals how we get there.
I wish I had a motorcycle for that journey because it was a very steep climb. Once we got to the top, the view was beautiful though!
After leaving the statue, we headed back into town. We hadn't eaten lunch, so we decided we needed to try one of the nocatalamles that are a local food in Nicaragua. We ordered one and proceeded to wait 45 minutes for it to arrive. Finally when we got it, it was good at first until we got to the middle and discovered that the meat was still frozen (it is like a tamale with beef, potato and rice inside). So much for that, but at least we tried!
Like so many other days, there wasn't much to do so we decided to just hang out on our lovely balcony reading and drinking our local favorite, rum and mango juice.
The locals literally just hang out in front of their houses, sitting in chairs on the street. Half the time they aren't even talking to each other; they are just watching the cars go by or their kids play with these incredibly annoying balls on strings that they slap together to make a clacking sound. It is definitely a slow paced life here, which seems to start to rub off on the normally fast paced tourists.

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