Saturday, August 24, 2013

Just me and my poncho

Today we got breakfast at the same cafe we had gotten lunch at the day before. Afterwards, we determined to try to find the bank one of the locals had told us about. It was somewhere outside of town, near a supermarket we had not yet found. Each time we walk around town, we are accompanied by local dogs. They are well fed and well mannered, it seems like they just want to go along for the adventure.
We stopped on the way back for some fruit as we tried to do everyday. Luckily Lars is more adventurous than Alyssa and I when it comes to the fruit and we figured out that the pink spiked fruit were actually lychee!
It was finally sunny so we headed to the beach hoping to have a beach day. We did get about 2 hours of sun and lay on the beach reading and playing in the water. Lars found us after his surf session and brought us coconut water, bananas and smoothies. He is always very generous and often brings us fruit and snacks. Unfortunately, the clouds did eventually roll in and we had to forgo the beach day and sit inside. I desperately wanted to get a load of laundry done because once your stuff gets wet here, it never dries due to all of the moisture and my close were starting to smell so bad. We combined all of our clothes hoping that would get us a better rate. What would have been one load of laundry in the states they considered 5kg of clothes equalling $5000 colones or $10USD. Damn expensive load of laundry but to be honest, I was so happy to have clean clothes, I didn't much care.
Alyssa and I could not just sit around all day, so we took a walk despite the misty rain. There is a river that runs into the ocean and creates a very powerful current along the shore. We headed down to the river to check it out and were surprised to see a sign warning us about crocodiles. We asked one of the locals and he said that there were indeed crocodiles down there and that they lost about 20 local dogs a year because of them. He is a surfer and said that he has seen the crocodiles swimming along the shores while he was surfing, traveling between the rivers that feed into the ocean. That image alone was enough to convince me not to go back into the ocean for the best of the day.
We spent the rest of the day reading in the hammocks when there was some clear sky and then hiding out under the porch once it really started coming down.
We headed down to the beach as the sun was setting to try to get a good view of the sunset, but the clouds were too thick. We did get a beautiful view of the huge waves and the mist between the beach and the forest. I am truly in awe of the waves here. I have never seen such enormous, powerful waves, so much so that I was often scared to venture too far into the water for fear that I would drown.
We wanted to try out a different restaurant for dinner but due to the rain, everything else was empty so we returned to Tortilla Flats. Luckily since it was Sunday, there was no crazy party. We had dinner and then headed back to the hostel just to hang out. I once again had no desire to drink and was perfectly happy to go back and read.
Alyssa and I discussed how many things we would not miss once we returned home from this adventure. Being constantly dirty, needing to wear a poncho and sleeping in a sleep sack definitely made the list. It is a small price to pay for all that we are getting to do, but it is definitely a different life from what we are used to. It is certainly a challenge to live out of a backpack as well. You can only have the essentials and even that feels like too much. My backpack weighs about 40lbs and with my daypack as well, I'm probably carrying a total of 50lbs. Luckily we are never carrying them for extended periods (and Alyssa's weighs about 10lbs less, there's no way in hell she could carry more) but I do end up always feel like a pack mule. However, there's not a single thing in my bag I haven't used or feel like I could do without. So instead I will just get really strong from my weight lifting, lol.

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