Sunday, September 29, 2013

Mancora plus bus ride to Lima

I woke up rested which I was very grateful for after my exhaustion the day before but sadly Alyssa had not slept at all. The raging party that we had to leave our prior hostel because of had gone on until 6:30am with a DJ screaming into the mic and blasting horrible Latin pop music. She looked on the verge of a nervous breakdown as we packed our stuff up for our 10:30am checkout. We were able to leave our bags at the hostel during the day, although they basically just stuck them in another room that was left unlocked (thankfully we have locks on all of our bags). We headed out in search of breakfast and wound up at a vegetarian place called "Angela's". They had great homemade yogurt although the rest of the items we got were a little bizarre- I just don't think I appreciate vegetarian food. Everyone there was very friendly though and they had great wifi which we had been lacking at Hostel Angeles del Mar.
After breakfast, we headed down to the beach where we spent the remainder of the afternoon. We were able to find a beach umbrella that no one was monitoring and lay under it for free which was nice (a guy did come over at one point and ask if we wanted a drink but he said it was only because his boss was watching and he let us go without ordering anything). We ran into Adam and Anthony a few times throughout the day which was still awkward (Anthony wanted to make sure I was smiling which was so confusing and made me wonder if I had been upset the previous night and blacked it out?) as well as our club promoter friend who Alyssa spent about an hour doing an "I'll teach you English if you teach me Spanish" lesson with. We packed things up and went to grab some dinner at 5:00. Sadly, the place we wanted to get food at had decided that they were not going to serve food (places do this all the time at any point in the day they feel like) so we had to hurriedly traipse around town looking for another open restaurant. Sadly, we ended up back at the vegetarian restaurant for a sub-par Mediterranean salad that my stomach was none too pleased about. We rushed back to our hostel, collected our bags, changed into bus clothes and made our way to the ticket agency by 6:00.
Once at the agency, they taxied us over to where the bus would pick us up. We were worried about whether the bus would be nice or freezing cold like other busses we had taken, but this one seemed good. However once on board, we found the unexpected flaw with this bus. The bus played movies constantly (granted, we left at 6:30pm so it wasn't time to sleep or anything) but even though each bay of seats had their own speaker and jacks for headphones, the bus blasted music for the entire level only out of the speakers above our heads. It was insanely loud. We complained but the guy said there was nothing he could do about it. Alyssa was able to sit in a different seat for a few hours, but when we picked up more people in the next town, the entire bus was full.
The ride to Lima is 18 hours and don't be confused, we don't enjoy bus travel. But it is soooo much cheaper than flying and if you take an overnight bus then you also negate the cost of a hostel for that night. This bus included dinner and breakfast since it was such a long drive. Sadly dinner was the blandest piece of chicken and rice I've ever seen so we didn't touch it. We settled in for the long haul, blasting music through our headphones in an attempt to drown out the noise in the bus. Unfortunately, the earpiece to my headset had gotten pulled off and lost somewhere so it was very uncomfortable in my ear and not nearly as loud as the other side. I decided to just deal with it for the evening tough, putting on my usual rotation of mellow music to try to lull me to sleep.

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